Awakening in a new Home

Sacred Grove Community Circle (SWC) has moved this blog and library from hosting at to hosting at It’s time for housecleaning and redecorating. Watch this space!

Cool Yule and Blessings of Peace,
Khalila RedBird

Yule 2020

Continuing our latest Tradition, Sacred Grove will gather in cyberspace for Yule this Turning of the Wheel. On Sunday, December 20, at 8 pm EST, please join us for ritual on ZOOM. The link to join is below.

We will seal the gathering (no one further will be admitted) at 8:15 pm.

Jaime Gironés, writing at The Wild Hunt, offers The Longest and Darkest Night for our reflection.

Without regard to the name of the celebration or the phase of my life, the celebration has always had the same main meaning to me: it has always represented hope. After the darkness of the longest night of the year, the sun is reborn – and with this rebirth, light is rekindled in our hearts and spirits. After this very difficult year, I think hope is what we need the most.

Jaime Gironés

John Beckett is presenting Under the Ancient Oaks Online Winter Solstice Ritual: December 18 at 8 pm CST via YouTube, as well.

This is Pagans, polytheists, and others continuing our sacred traditions under difficult circumstances. This is using all the resources at our disposal to maintain our commitments to our Gods, ancestors, and other spiritual allies. This is us, doing what must be done.

John Beckett

Join Zoom Meeting

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Planning for Autumn Equinox Grove

Updated 10/15/2020: It didn’t happen. Maybe I can pull it together for Samhain.

It’s time for the Grove to manifest itself anew in the age of pandemic. Tools are available and being used to meet in cyberspace, and we are forging ahead. The plan is to schedule our Sabbats for the coming year, by date and time, and set up Zoom gatherings for the observance.

Invitations to participate will include the ritual structure, and attendees will be offered the opportunity to Claim the Space, while the wording is made available on screen. Host will act as Bard and Priest, at least at first.

Invitations will be distributed, at least, by email and through the Facebook Grove page. Respondents by email will be sent the link.

Priestess will establish the Zoom meeting at the specified date and time, then admit attendees, who will be welcome to chat. Once Bard begins Warnings, no others will be admitted.

Still working on the particulars of the ritual. It will be geared toward the Wheel of the Year and probably, at least at first, be of a participatory Journey format.

Watch this space — more to follow.