
Cross-quarter sabbat

Imbolc is celebrated on or near February 2.

Some Imbolc resources

Mystery of Emergence

Song of Pilgrimage   Ecclesiasticus 51:13-16, 20b-22

Patron: The Lord of the Greenwood

Reflection: on awakening, emerging; on venturing forth

Where am I/ are we enclosed?

How do I/we know if/when to emerge?

What am I/are we starting?

Who/what am I/ are we?


Temptations in the desert;

LightSeeker and the Lady

This ritu603194_10151354594245664_1129955535_nal explores the mystery of emergence – of one reborn from the old life, of one encapsulated from a cocoon, of one emerging into a new year or new roles and responsibilities.


ToolMaker for help recognizing and caring for the tools we need in the outer world

Rite: identity: roles, names, place; dedication;