As ancient as tomorrow…

Whether seeking the wild magic or the comforting embrace of our most basic principles, we gather in the Sacred Grove, a place between the world of Here & Now and the Other World, among beings Seen and Unseen, open to the Presence of All possibilities.

In ancient writings, we find our Ancestors seeking the Unseen in high places, climbing to mountaintops, and building towers to meet with their gods. With the taming of the wild places and growth of civilization, the towers were built in cities, and we sought the Unseen in buildings, closer at hand. Now, scattered by complexity and isolated for safety, we meet in the untamed world of cyberspace.

We call the Sacred Grove into being, each of us bringing, inviting, invoking, or evoking the Spirits that to us are real, personal, and important. In the presence of All that is holy, we join together and are One.


We celebrate the Wheel of the Year via Zoom.

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Fellowship of the Sacred Grove

When seeking the wild magic, the BhaktiWicccan Tradition of the Fellowship of the Sacred Grove provides structure for our rites.

We speak of the Divine Reality — One, Many, All, or none — as Lord and Lady, God and Goddess, in our rites.


Sacred Well Congregation

We are one of the few civilian circles of Sacred Well Congregation. We adhere to the Covenant of Five Tenets and are a 501(c)(3) charitable religious organization under their auspices.

Covenant of Five Tenets

Sacred Well Congregation ©2010

  1. We reverence the God and Goddess as the representations of the Divine Reality that is at once immanent and transcendent in and throughout all of the infinite creation. We celebrate the manifestations of the Divine Reality through Rites of Seasons and Rites of Passage.
  2. We live in reverence and respect of the Natural world, recognizing the Sacred Cycles of ebb and flow, birth and death, creation and destruction. We acknowledge the sanctity and intrinsic worth of all life forms, and in dearth of cause, will never by word or deed willfully cause harm to befall any creature, manifest or unmanifest.
  3. We affirm as inalienable the Right of every individual “either alone, or in community with others, in public or in private, to manifest his or her religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observation.” (Article 18, Universal Declaration of Human Rights). We recognize the responsibility of every individual for his or her own spiritual development and transformation, and that every individual is his or her own ultimate authority in all matters of spirit and religion.
  4. To the extent of available spiritual and material resources, we will: teach those who seek; aid those in need; comfort those who for reasons of religion, conscience, ethnicity, or sex suffer oppression; and resist tyranny in all forms.
  5. We live in peace and tolerance with all of humanity, neither converting to, nor seeking to convert those of other faiths and practices.

Declared this Day of Midsummer 1994 c.e. at Hainin, Belgium

A Blessing for Today

What crazy kind of church is this, anyway?